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A new term has started for Fisheries Management Plans 

After a short hiatus because of the General Election, it feels as if things are ramping back up. 

During what is called the “pre-election period”, the Civil Service is limited in what it may do publicly and in the announcements it can make.  This is to ensure that we do not give one party an advantage or take attention from the election or candidates. 

When a new government is formed, the Civil Service must build relationships with new ministers, brief and listen to their priorities.  We must check they want to continue with policies taken by the previous government, or whether they want to take a new direction.   

Over the summer, Defra’s new ministers agreed we should continue with development and implementation Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs).  We are therefore replanning our work and going through wider government clearances before we start formal processes and engagement.  Informal engagement has already started. 

Our new Ministers are very supportive of the creation of policies in collaboration with those affected by them and they have asked us to think about how to do this even better.   

Getting an early start on this and working in partnership with the Cornish Fish Producers’ Organisation, National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations, and UK Association of Fish Producer Organisations and Marine Management Organisation we are piloting an all-encompassing fisheries management, face-to-face workshop with commercial fishers.  

The pilot for this event will be held in Cornwall. The workshop will trial different ways of working together with a range of different policy areas coming together for the first time, including FMPs.  It will be held during a spring tide to hopefully mean fishers are more able to attend.  To manage numbers, it will be by invitation, but we will try to ensure attendees are representative.  And don’t worry, there will be plenty of other opportunities for others to get involved.   

We will use what we learn from this pilot to help improvements in future engagement with the fishing industry and if successful will look to run similar events around the country. 

Watch this space for other new approaches as well as the return of old favourites. 

A colorful word cloud featuring various terms related to planning and strategy, showcasing ideas and concepts visually.

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  1. Comment by Greg posted on

    What are your plans to better engage with the recreational fishing community?

    • Replies to Greg>

      Comment by Nicola Lewellen posted on

      Thank you for your question about engaging with recreational fishers, we appreciate your comment.

      We endeavour to ensure extensive engagement and opportunities for input from all sectors prior to the drafting of FMPs by delivery partners and during the consultation process, however, we recognise that this is an area where improvements are needed

      We are continuing to review the FMP engagement process and encourage you to subscribe to the blog to be updated about upcoming opportunities. If you have any further questions or reflections on this, please email

  2. Comment by Robin Bradley posted on

    It’s a great pity that you have chosen not to include the recreational sector in this. Surely the new ministers would not want to exclude such an important group, particularly when joint working between the sectors is seen as the way forward.

    • Replies to Robin Bradley>

      Comment by Nicola Lewellen posted on

      Thank you for your comments, Robin,

      The pilot event mentioned is designed as a test to focus on developing collaboration and partnership working with the commercial fishing industry.

      By focusing exclusively on the commercial fishing sector, Defra can ensure that the unique challenges, needs and perspectives of this group are directly addressed, allowing for industry specific solutions in fisheries management

      Defra will be testing its structure and welcomes feedback from other sectors, including recreational, on the outcomes that will be shared following the event.

      Defra will also ensure that engagement opportunities will be provided for other stakeholder groups which will publicised on our blog.

      • Replies to Nicola Lewellen>

        Comment by Robin Bradley posted on

        Thanks Nicola.

        Let me know if I can help in any way.


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