A set of four videos have been produced for the draft fisheries management plans currently under consultation.
The Regional Fisheries Group team gathered questions from the fishing sector during the FMP consultation engagement events held between October and December 2024 to put together Q&A (question and answer) videos.
These videos are designed to address some of the frequently asked questions by the fishing sector and highlight key elements of the plans such as what goals are included.
Defra policy leads for the draft plans have answered the questions with support from the organisations that developed the plans- Cefas, AIFCA and Marine Management Organisation.
Links to these Q&A videos have also been shared directly with the members of Regional Fisheries Groups.
To contact your local MMO Regional Fisheries Group lead, please email: regionalfisheriesgroups@marinemanagement.org.uk
The consultations for these draft plans close at 23:59 on 19 January 2025.
You can find the FMP and associated documents in the ‘related’ section at the bottom of the consultation webpages on Defra - Citizen Space. Here you can respond to the consultations by completing the online questionnaire or find the email and postal details to respond.
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