Public consultation
MMO’s Regional Fisheries Group team dive into the FMP consultations to answer your questions on the cockle FMP, Southern North Sea demersal non-quota FMP, skates and rays FMP and the sprat FMP.
Today we’ve published the Government response to the consultation proposing amendments to Annex A of the Joint Fisheries Statement (JFS).
Our consultation events have ended but you can still have your say on the draft plans until 19 January- don’t miss your chance to share your opinions. Find our factsheets and a summary video on this blog post.
Book your place on one of our online consultation events- If you can’t make one of our in-person events, this is your chance to give your feedback of the five FMPs being consulted on.
Factsheets and an overview video are now available for these five FMPs - find them on this blog post!
Come to our consultation events to have your say on draft fisheries management plans.
We have launched consultations on five more fisheries management plans- join us at consultation events to have your say on the draft plans.
Today we’ve launched consultations on Defra’s next five draft fisheries management plans, a consultation on amendments to the joint fisheries statement and published the flatfish FMP.
This post gives a background on where FMPs have come from, what they are and how they are developed.