FACTSHEET: Cockle Fisheries Management Plan (FMP)
Why an FMP for cockles?
Cockles in English waters have been prioritised for an FMP due to the stocks’ vulnerability to over-exploitation, the social and economic value of the fishery and the environmental benefits cockle stocks bring to habitat health and wider biodiversity.
Current Management
Cockle fisheries occur predominantly in inshore estuary and shallow subtidal waters within the 0-6 nautical mile (nm) zone and are regulated by the Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authorities (IFCAs).
The current management framework is varied and depending on the area and nature of the fishery (aquaculture or wild) it is implemented by a mix of byelaws and Several, Regulating and Hybrid Orders.
Most of the cockle fisheries occur within Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Alongside the day-to-day management of the fishery, the IFCAs also have a statutory duty to protect designated MPA features such as certain migrating and overwintering birds and marine habitats.
The cockle FMP has been developed in partnership with the Association of Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authorities and in collaboration with the Cockle FMP Evidence Group.
Goals of the FMP
The FMP proposes goals and actions that aim to link local management into a national framework which will consider issues relevant to all cockle fisheries in English waters. Such considerations include water classification, social and economic drivers in the cockle fleet and dependent fishing communities, as well as interaction of cockle fisheries with other bivalve species.
Proposed Actions in the FMP
- To develop our understanding of private fisheries and their impact on wild cockle stocks found within their grounds.
- Develop our understanding of emerging fisheries, either in inshore or offshore waters.
- Consider whether a national forum needs to be established. If established, the forum will help to bring the different cockle sectors together; it will consider common issues and share best practice around data management, water classification and export certification; and address other factors common to cockle fisheries and to other co-located bivalve species.
Environmental Impacts
While most cockle fisheries exist within MPAs, the risk from cockle fishing activities to achieving Good Environmental Status has been identified as low. Where cockle fisheries are considered to have an adverse impact on the marine environment, the draft cockle FMP sets out commitments to taking action to avoid, remedy or mitigate such impact.
What does this consultation mean for me?
This is an opportunity for you to have your say in the future of cockle management in English waters. We want to receive your input and views throughout the consultation and beyond.
Give us your views
Find the consultation online at:
The consultation is open until 23:59 on 19 January 2025.
What happens next?
Your feedback will be analysed and considered as part of the consultation process. Following this the cockle FMP will be updated.
The aim is to have the final cockle FMP published as soon as possible in 2025.
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